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Fabrice SchombergFabrice Schomberg
various writersvarious writers

by Fabrice Schomberg

There was a fairy

 who barely believed in love. In fact she did not believe in love at all even though she came from the Land of Love, which is where all love comes from.

  The fairies from the Land of Love spread its love all over.

  And so did our fairy abundantly.

  In fact it is because she did not believe in love that she didn’t mind spreading it across the land, even further than the other fairies. She scattered love to the east, to the west, to the north and to the south. She had no problem spreading all the love, and did not spare it. It was not hers, it came from the Land of Love, the source of all love.

  She spread love on mountain tops and in valleys, upon seas and over deserts, through meadows and within forests and caves. And one day, all that immense amount of love that she had spread all came back to her, and that was the day she

believed in love.

edited by Janet Cartlidge, copyright © 2016 Fabrice Schomberg

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